Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Stitch and Pitch!

We took a trip to the BIG TO today! My hubby and I took our eldest son to his first Major League Baseball game! The blue Jays didn't fare very well, despite being at home - and being cheered on by a very energetic crowd. Sir J dutifully took his baseball glove in hopes of catching a home run ball.

The theme of the game was "Stitch and Pitch" - so attenders were encouraged to bring their knitting, crocheting, needle point, or any other such portable craft and work on it during the game. To my sons delight, although he did not catch a ball, his glove did come in handy! He caught a few of the free balls of yarn that were being thrown to the crowd! He is very excited to knit them up!

There were goodie bags handed out again this year - a bag that bragged "Stitch and Pitch" on the front containing 4 balls of yarn (up from the 1 ball received last year), patterns, a "soak" sample (hand knit wash), and and coupons for several of the local yarn stores, and a fiber festival that is coming up in October in the city! Last year I went alone with my hubby but this year I was better prepared - I brought along 5 other non-knitters to keep me company, and get bags themselves! We had a great time!

An especially big thank you goes to the ladies of Knit-o-matic who sat behind us and helped make it a memorable event for my son!

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