Thursday, March 22, 2012

Projects in Progress

I haven't posted much about knitting, so I just thought I'd post up what I'm working on.  I have been poking along on a knitted jumper for Sir C.  He has chosen the pattern himself - his big brother had a Thomas the Tank Engine jumper, and has completely worn it out, so it is not suitable for passing down. Sir C has requested a replacement!  Here is a photo of the pattern - but I'm not using all that yellow for a background.  His will be a more neutral beige background.

I'm also working on a knitted circle baby blanket.  It seems to be an ongoing long-term project, so I don't expect it will be completed any time soon!  I do like how it's turning out. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A finished Set - Princess Tunic

I haven't done a lot of knitting lately - I think I might be "knitted out" a bit (is that possible?)  but I have been poking along at a couple of projects, as travel time allows.  Last night I completed a set for Lady R.  She picked out the pattern and the yarn over a year ago, now, and it is finally complete!  She came down this morning and I presented her with her tunic (with flowers added, as she requested), and a matching headband, bracelet and ring from the leftover yarn.  She was THRILLED, and put it on right away, happy to model it for me!