Saturday, November 13, 2010

Baby Sleep Sack

I’m not thrilled with the colour sequence - perhaps even stripes would have been a better choice?
I’m also quite disappointed with how narrow this has turned out. Baby is a chubby 10.3 pounds, and there is no way he’s fitting in it. This has been donated to my daughter’s dolls, much to her delight - but personally, I am sad to spend the money on an outfit for her doll… (usually I use project leftovers) ah well.  At least it has found a home where it will be loved and used.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Flowers for the Hair

My daughter loves to wander through a blog called "The Story of a Princess and her Hair".  Often she chooses hair styles to try out for school or church - she loves having beautiful hair!  Tonight she decided that tomorrow she would like to try "Flower Girl Hair"...  there was only one problem.  She decided at 8pm, just before she headed to bed -- I don't have any flowers like that, nor can I run out tonight and buy some with the children in bed.  What was I to do, so my princess is not disappointed tomorrow?  MAKE the flowers, of course!  I found a free crocheting pattern, and set to work.  It didn't take long to finish 6 flowers -- that should be perfect for the hairstyle.  I hope she's pleased in the morning!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baby Hammock and Cocoon

I love photos of little babies in hammocks and cocoons!  Since I have a friend who is a photographer, I thought I'd make up some accessories and see if he will take some pictures of my new little man...  He wasn't terribly co-operative while I tried to photograph him myself!  Either way, I'm pleased at how these have turned out!  

I do have to admit something, tho.  I did not buy the wool for these.   I had the idea, and wasn't up to going out, so I asked my husband to take a look for it.  I gave him a description, including some colour suggestions...  and he picked up exactly what I was looking for!  What an amazing man!  Not every husband would go feeling yarn for his wife.